Cllr Andrew Doherty

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Fairford North Ward on Cotswold District Council Learn more

Thank You and Happy New Year (Gloucestershire Constabulary)

by andrewdoherty on 29 December, 2020

Thank you to our partner agencies for their support this year. It has been an unprecedented year with Covid-19 and two lockdowns. We would like to thank the public for their continued support and understanding; without your help this year, we would have struggled. But the Covid restrictions have brought out the best in human nature with neighbours helping neighbours and those who have raised money for charities and the NHS. It has really shown us that there a lot of caring people out there willing to make personal sacrifices to help other less fortunate than ourselves. With the start of a New Year just around the corner I would like to thank: Our partner emergency workers, NHS staff and nurses, care home carers, Cotswold Friends, P3, Pubs and restaurants who made meals to those less fortunate, neighbours for shopping and looking after the vulnerable people in our communities, family and friends, social services, Cotswold District Council and all our parish councils, schools, teachers and support staff who kept going through the lockdowns to educate keyworkers children in school and teach online. Shops for staying open and shoppers for being patient with queues and wearing masks, delivery drivers with all our online shopping. If I’ve forgotten anyone I am sorry as there are so many others who kept us all going and our spirits lifted. With a New Year we have a vaccine and the hope to see our loved ones again and go back to normal lives!! Happy New Year PC 2201 Nick Westmacott Cotswolds Police Team


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