Cllr Andrew Doherty

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Fairford North Ward on Cotswold District Council Learn more

Reminder for Christmas Season

by andrewdoherty on 6 December, 2019

Dear residents,

I hope you are all well, and getting ready for the festive Christmas season. !

Christmas-time brings lots of happiness for people, however it can be a sad time for some too. It has been brought to my attention that there are many houses left in darkness from late afternoon, to the evening time. Sometimes curtains are left open as well,  and this clearly indicates that no-one is at home.

May I ask you all to consider putting lights on and also use timer switches around the house, perhaps setting them to come on and off at different times. Draw the curtains when you leave your property , even consider leaving a radio on to give the impression that people are talking in the house. This will make the prospective burglar think twice about breaking in,  and then ” breaking your hearts” with what disruption they will cause.

If you do see anything you are concerned about, please do call us !  We are here to help.


PCSO for Cashes Green, Cainscross Ebley,
Randwick ,Ruscombe & Westrip

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